Various kind of traditional children’s games are widely spread in various regions in lubuklinggau and other regions in Indonesia are threatened with extinct because children don’t know about traditional children’s games because nobody else plays.I think traditional children’s games like patok lele,congkak,galasing,engklek,dan enggrang have been replaced by modern games such as video games and play station because many parents are not introduce traditional chikldren’s games with their son,they just invite their son to the supermarket for play timezone,and also they just give money to their son for buy or play games are liked by their son,so their children never know about it because many parents are very busy with their job.
In fact,various traditional games has a lot of anvantages that can’t be obtained in modern ganmes,such as the growing sense of solidarity,a sense of empathy for other,familiarity with the nature and always supholds the values of sportifity.Other positive side which can be obtained from the various traditioanal games that areenabling the emergence of the inisiative ,to create children’s creatifity and innovation to procedure their own.With emergence of that power of creativity,children will try to find a new design and adapt the games they need.
I think various traditional children’s games will also keep children from consumerist attitude.featuring excitement,ekspressif gestures,in addition to the training level of intelligence and logic.For example,in Galasing’s game,its palyed by a minimum three or four people to one group.The four men will be shoulder to defeat his opponent in order,don’t through area are waked up by them.Unlike the case with children’s games,all modern games be mass produced by the factory,so the children’s creatifity to create your own game to be lost and average traditioanal game is played by one children.
As a consequence children will be infatuated with him self alone without a care about their peer and their environment.I think modern games will tend to make based material,children,at the time will ask money for buy the games’s tool,because of the potential modern games the children make generation that only demand,request,less,effort,not innovative,and not creative,to procedure what they’s time for parents to teach a variety of tradisional children game to his son because more eduacate,traditional children games are also cheaper.
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